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/ Night Owl 20 / Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO / 046a / asm32.zip

Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Text (23)  |  Other (3)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
E32.ZIP PKZip Archive 95 146KB 1995-08-09

Text (23)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ASM32.DOC Text File 657 39KB 1995-10-13
CODESEG.INC Text File 21 414b 1995-08-30
CW-ASM.DOC Text File 2,630 99KB 1994-01-16
CW.INC Text File 1,255 31KB 1995-07-21
CWNEAR.INC Text File 8 97b 1995-06-27
DATA.DOC Text File 1,258 39KB 1995-10-13
DATASEG.INC Text File 9 166b 1995-06-27
DISK.DOC Text File 873 23KB 1995-10-12
DPMI.DOC Text File 32 1KB 1995-10-13
DPMI.INC Text File 303 10KB 1995-08-30
DPMI32.ASM Assembly Source File 246 4KB 1995-10-13
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 365b 1995-06-20
FLOAT.DOC Text File 516 13KB 1994-06-24
GRAPHICS.DOC Text File 2,425 85KB 1995-10-13
HELLO32.ASM Assembly Source File 28 439b 1995-08-30
INPUT.DOC Text File 1,061 34KB 1995-09-03
MODE.DOC Text File 440 16KB 1995-09-20
MULTIWIN.DOC Text File 679 20KB 1995-09-06
SOLVE.DOC Text File 797 23KB 1994-04-07
STARTCW.ASM Assembly Source File 99 2KB 1995-06-20
STARTDP.ASM Assembly Source File 424 12KB 1995-10-13
SYSTEM.DOC Text File 629 17KB 1995-02-13
TEXT.DOC Text File 1,061 33KB 1995-07-22

Other Files (3)
ASM32CW.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 140KB 1995-10-13
ASM32DP.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 158KB 1995-10-13
STARTDP.OBJ Relocatable Object Module 1KB 1995-10-13